Thursday 21 April 2011

Conquering the trams and Gelato!

And so a week in Melbourne has passed...

It feels as though we have been here for much longer at this stage. I guess we all slip into a way of life wherever we are. My way of life has been pretty relaxed here in St Kilda! Unlike poor Liam who has been slaving away at work all week, I have been playing the lazy tourist. On monday I wandered as far as the St Kilda Botanical gardens to have a gander. This peaceful bit of joy is a lovely place to sit and soak up some delicious, not to mention much needed, Vitamin D. I sat there on a bench with my guide book and ipod (filled with a wonderful selection of melodies, thanks to ever gentlemanly Robert Hurely) and felt very grateful to those who make it their day's aim to keep such a place. After a little while there, my pastey Irish skin began to protest so I decided it was time to visit one of those delightful cake shops I had previously reported. I am sad to say though, that I made a poor choice from the splendid selection of treats. The pepermint slice was a let down, but I am convinced the rum-chocolate biscuit cake will make up for this in full. On this score, I must report something that probably won't excite most of you as it did me! The Ozzies are ones for their Italian Gelato. This persumably stems from the great Italian migration of the last two centuries. The important part in all this is that it is possible to acquire dairy-free chocolate gelato! A viable ice-cream substitute has long been on my list. I have yet to try said dessert, but will report in full once the blessed event has taken place!

I am pleased to say that I have conquered the Melbourne trams! The ticket validator is the green machiene, if ever any of you are in Melbourne and stuck like me! I admit I had to ask Ronan, a friend who also lives here now, and he happily explained the process. Humiliating as the whole thing was, I won't be forgetting how to work my tram charm for a long time! I have taken a few trips now, and almost feel entitled to laugh at all the other tourist that go around poking things with their tickets!

I ventured into the city centre on Tuesday to meet Ronan and procure some maps. It was about time! To Federation Square I went where they have a well equipped visitor's centre. I left with about half my weight in maps and brochures! There is so much happening in Melbourne, it's unbelievable! We won't be bored while we're here. Well, that is if we can afford it all. This place aint cheap for anything other than photocopying! I can understand now why people have such big salaries here. It probably works out the same as home. Note to self: must find a job!

Liam is getting on great at work. His colleagues are lovely, from what I've heard. The all-female cast of the research unit are delighted to have a male around to balance out the oestrogen! His red-headed boss is also delighted to have one of her own around, so it seems! She is taking us to an Ozzie rules match next month which should be interesting. How does one pretend to be a sports enthusiast? Luckily, because it is Easter, as well as Anzac day, Liam has a 6 day weekend! So he'll finally be able to recover from his jet-lag. Once that is done we'll go a furniture hunting. And I can show him around the parts of the city I now know. Being incredibly competitive, I am delighted to be ahead in this respect!

On the appartment front, we were offered the first one we looked at but turned it down, as the idea of communal laundry seemed far too uncivilized! I viewed a lovely place today and we'll hopefully hear soon whether we got it or not. I hope so, as the super long weekend won't allow for much appartment hunting. It's all very formal here. There is an arranged showing of a house which is usually only 15 minutes. If you miss that gap there's no other time to see it. Then you have to fill out lenghty application forms that would have you believing that you are applying for a morgage! It seems to be efficient though and the estate agents are lovely and helpful.

Tonight we're going for Tapas and drinks with friends from Ireland. Looking forward to this after my week of playing in-house chef. It is very hard to think of things to cook everyday! Mum I totally appreciate all the cooking you have done for me over the years!! Incidentally, the Ozzies are really into the Masterchef. I have decided to get onboard! The new season starts this sunday! The other television highlight at the moment is, of course, the wedding of Will and Kate. Coverage starts on MONDAY, 5 days in advance of the actual event. I feel sorry for the poor guys. We're 17,000 km aways: the spotlight shines a long beam!

On the insect front, we are still pretty bug-free! Though I had a nightmare about really big spiders last night! Hoepfully it's not a prediction!

Until next time...

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